quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009

Scrap only for girls!

I can't believe how fast the time goes by... I met some girls in 2005, others more recently and the great thing is my circle of friends is always growing. We met once a month, sometimes twice, and have a relaxing and funny time.
Thanks girls for sharing the friendship.
Pois é meninas, nem dá para acreditar como o tempo voa, algumas meninas conheci há mais tempo, outras recentemente e a turma sempre vai crescendo. Mas o mais legal é que os nossos encontros são sempre divertidos.
Obrigada meninas por compartilharem a amizade.
Bjinhos a todas

9 comentários:

Scrap Cris disse...

ahflor, que lindo!!
o lo ficou otimo e esse adesivo preto um luxo...



Sandra Peres disse...

Ave, muito scrap e muita diversão. Adoro esta foto com a Fly na frente. Muito fofo!!!


Thaisa Salge disse...

Amei os LOs! A turma é realmente muito animada, estou adorando! Beijos

Sandra Negrão disse...

Ficaram lindas Sandrinha, e as fotos mais ainda...rs
É muito bom podermos compartilhar tantas coisas boas né?

Jenni disse...

Visiting your blog is such fun...I Like your happy style, may i set a link to your blog from mine?
Thank you for inspiratin

Kreatives von Andrea disse...

Hi Sandra!

Unfortunately, my English is not so good. I hope you understand what I write.

I have your site found by Jenni, and I'm excited about your blog.

What wonderful things there are to see on your blog, I'm excited.

I would like to set a link from your blog on my blog. I hope that is ok for you.

A very dear greetings by Andrea from Germany

Perlen und Papier disse...

Hi Sandra
like the colors of your blog,very sunny,
I will come back again
Greetings from Germany

Anônimo disse...

Dear Sandra - I am Conny from Bochum/Germany and I found you about Jennis Paperblog. I will send you many greatings and your kind of scrapping is wonderful. Bye
Cornelia Löffler

Anônimo disse...

Hi Sandra,

I found the link to your blog at paulines papier. I love your scrapbooking style and the funny pictures you chose.
I think you have much better weather where you live than in Germany. Today we have a lot of snow and I am eager on spring.

Have a great day!
Greetings from Germany